Two El Paso mayors, one former and one current visited the Buzz Adams Morning Show.
First, former mayor John Cook was on to talk about his TruthMatters P.A.C. which supports District Attorney Yvonne Rosales. There were a few key takeaways from our chat with the former mayor.
-Cook told us he is NOT speaking as a paid consultant or spokesman for the D.A. This is an important distinction for a couple of reasons. For one, Rosales has been very short on people willing to defend her publically. Also, the former mayor is the founder and principal of a consulting agency. I asked the question twice and both times John said that he is not being paid for his support of Ms. Rosales.
-Much of Cook’s defense is the same as we’ve heard before: the pandemic, the courthouse shut-down and the old “people are out to get her”.
-John Cook acknowledged that there is much about the situation that HE isn’t aware of and that Ms. Rosales herself needs to get out in front of some of these criticisms. Also, Cook expressed that he thought Rosales was now “perhaps a little gun shy” about the El Paso media because of the ongoing criticism of her office and her own performance.
Next, current Mayor Oscar Leeser came by to talk about the issues around migrants/asylum-seekers that have been arriving in El Paso. Mayor Leeser, who had just come from an interview with MSNBC AT the border, told us that the city has managed to find housing and accommodations for MOST of the recent arrivals. Most of the influx has been people from Venezuela, who had “sponsors”…usually family or friends already in the U.S. …and needed help arranging transportation to points all over the country.
Leeser gave some particular credit for the successful handling of the El Paso situation. He noted Congresswoman Veronica Escobar for securing FEMA funding on the federal level, County Judge Ricardo Samaniego, and the Department of Customs and Border Patrol for their help in coordination.
Further, the mayor gave a massive shout-out to the people of El Paso who responded with donations of food, toys, bottled water, and other support for the migrants until accommodations could be made.
Mayor Leeser said the people of El Paso support the recent arrivals but denied that he is for “open borders” or that El Paso is a “sanctuary city”. “The migrants are going to arrive regardless of how we treat them”, the mayor said. “But they are coming and we should treat them as we would like to be treated”.